Pre WOD Overhead squat 5 X 3 Workout of the Day 12:00 AMRAP 6 Overhead Squats (135/95)15/12 Cal Row Post WOD 300-500 box step ups* *weighted optionalRead More
Workout of the Day For time 800 run or 1000/800 meter row, then….50 strict pullups75 hand release pushups100 plate weighted box step ups (#45/#25)(24″/20″)Then…800 run or 1000/800 meter row *partition reps in any fashionRead More
Pre WOD In 15:00, build to a heavy 7 rep… Push Press Workout of the Day 5 Rounds For Time 15 Push Press (95/65)12 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)9 Box Jumps (30/24)Read More
Pre WOD 3 sets for quality 3-5 Strict Toes to BarInto…3sets for quality5 Double Kip Toes to Bar* *1 Kip + 1 Kipping Toes to Bar = 1 Rep Workout of the Day 8:00 AMRAP500/400m Row15 Toes to Bar -Rest 2:00- 8:00 AMRAP500/400m Row20 KB Alt. Goblet Lunges (53/35)* -Rest 2:00- 8:00 AMRAP500/400m Row15 Ring...Read More
Workout of the Day “Ellen” 3 rounds for time20 Burpees21 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)12 DBL DB Thrusters Post WOD For quality 21-15-9-15-21Russian TwistsHollow Body Flutter Kicks *L + R = 1 Rep. Option to perform both movements weightedRead More
Pre WOD EMOM x 12 MINUTES MIN 1 – :45 Practice GOAT OptionMIN 2 – :45 Row or Bike EZ GOAT Option 1: Pistol SquatGOAT Option 2: HS Walk or HoldGOAT Option 3: Rope ClimbGOAT Option 4: Double Unders Workout of the Day 15:00 AMRAP 8-10-12-14…and so onAir Squat**Sit-Up*** *30 Double Unders after each full...Read More
Pre WOD In 15:00, build to a heavy 2 rep power clean and jerk Workout of the Day “Cali Bear” Every :30 for 20:00…. 1 power clean and jerk (#225/#155)Read More
Workout of the Day Every minute on the minute for 20:00 Min 1&2 – 30/24 Cal RowMin 3&4 – AMRAP of 4 DB “No-Push-Up” Renegade Rows (35/20)+ 6 Slam Balls (30/20)* *L+R = 1 Rep of RR **Pick-Up where you left off each time in the AMRAPRead More
Pre WOD 3-5 SETSMax Strict Pull-Ups**If using a band, goal is 7-10 challenging Strict Pull-Ups -Rest as Needed b/t Sets- Workout of the Day 2 Rounds For Time 800m Run, into…6 rounds6 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups*6 SA DB Split Jerk (50/35)|(35/20)** *Strict Optional**Switch arms after each full roundRead More