Workout of the Day CrossFit Games Open 16.1 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of: 25-ft. overhead walking lunge 8 burpees 25-ft. overhead walking lunge 8 chest-to-bar pull-upsMen lunge 95 lb. Women lunge 65 lb.Read More
Workout of the Day 2/25/2016 For time: 1000 meter row 20 Curtis P’s (#75/#55) 750 meter row 15 Curtis P’s (#85/#65) 500 meter row 10 Curtis P’s (#95/#75) 250 meter row 5 Curtis P’s (#105/#85)Read More
Workout of the Day “The Honey Badger” 5 rounds 7 cycles of following movements = 1 round Snatch grip deadlift Hanging power snatch Overhead squat Back squat Behind the neck jerk -May not set bar down during cycle -Must increase weight each round -Score total weight of each successful round -Rest as necessary between roundsRead More
Pre WOD Front Squat 6 X 3 Workout of the Day 2/23/2016 Every minute on the minute for 14 minutes 9 bent over dumbbell rows (#50/#35) 6 hang DB cleans 3 DB push pressRead More
Pre WOD 4 rounds, not for time Romanian Deadlift 10 reps GHD Sit ups 10-15 reps Workout of the Day Cindy 20 minute AMRAP 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats 2/22/2016 OR “Mary” 5 handstand pushups 10 pistols 15 pullupsRead More
Pre WOD Every minute on the minute for 16 minutes, complete… Bench Press 3 reps ..even minutes Deadlift 3 reps ..odd minutes Workout of the Day Fran 21-15-9 Thrusters (95/65lb) Pull-upsRead More
Pre WOD Push Jerk 6 X 2 Workout of the Day 2/18/2016 7 rounds :40 AMRAP power cleans (#135/#95) :20 rest :40 AMRAP 10 meter shuttle sprints :20 restRead More
Workout of the Day 2/17/2016 0-10:00 750/600 meter row, then, 5 rounds of… 15 abmat situps 5 burpees 10:00-20:00 750/600 meter row, then, 5 rounds of… 15 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 5 box jumps (24″/20″) 20:00-30:00 750/600 meter row, then, 5 rounds of… 15 jumping squats 5 toes to bar Record the time it takes to...Read More
Pre WOD 4 rounds, not for time Weighted Good Morning 10 reps Barbell rollout 10 reps Workout of the Day 2/16/2015 Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes, complete Even mins: 3 deadlifts Odd mins: 15 wall ball shots (#20/#14)(10’/9′) Athlete chooses weight for DL..AHAPRead More
On Saturday, Feb 20th, our WOD will be the Chris Bove Memorial Uphill event. Come enjoy a beautiful morning hike, breakfast at the Elk Camp restaurant and help support a great local organization. Click here to register or for more information There will be no workout at the gym on this morning Read More