Workout of the Day Saturday With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of 3-6-9 Shoot throughs Dumbell thrusters (#35/#25) Kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) While one teammate completes reps of above, teammate 2 does double unders. Switch every 2 minutes, picking up where your teammate left offRead More
Pre WOD Tabata russian twists with med ball Workout of the Day Friday Group one 3 rounds for max reps :45 DB squat cleans :15 rest :45 pushups :15 rest :45 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) Group 2 performs the following during each of the 3 rounds group 1 is working First round-single unders Second round-plank hold...Read More
Workout of the Day Happy Thanksgiving “Nutts” For time: 10 handstand pushups 15 deadlifts (#250/#175) 25 box jumps (30″/24″) 50 pullups 100 wall ball shots (#20/#14) 200 double unders 400 meter run with plate (#45/#25)Read More
Pre WOD In 15-20 minutes, find your heaviest… Workout of the Day Wednesday 10 minutes as many rounds as possible 3 deadlifts @ 70-80% 10 burpeesRead More
Workout of the Day Saturday In teams of 5, comlete 5 rounds for max reps AMRAP 5:00 of Row for calories Pushups Situps Squats Front plank hold 1:00 rest Each teammate must start at a different station each round. Teammates must change movements each time teammate doing plank hold breaksRead More