
Pre WOD 5 rounds, not for time Workout of the Day Tuesday For time 3 squat cleans (#135/#85) 20 double unders 6 SC’s 40 DU’s 9 SC’s 60 DU’s 12 SC’s 80 DU’s 9 SC’s 60 DU’s 6 SC’s 40 DU’s 3 SC’s 20 DU’s
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Workout of the Day The Seven 7 Rounds for time 7 HSPU 7 Thrusters (135/95) 7 Knees to Elbows 7 Deadlift (245/165) 7 Burpees 7 KB Swing (70/53) 7 Pull-Ups
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Pre WOD 5 rounds, not for time Workout of the Day Monday 15 minutes as many rounds as possible 15 wall ball shots (#20/#14)(10’/9′) 10 pullups 5 burpees
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Workout of the Day Friday CrossFit Games Open Workout 15.1 0-9:00 as many reps as possible 15 toes to bar 10 deadlift (#115/#75) 5 snatch (#115/#75) 9:00-15:00 Find your heaviest 1 rep clean and jerk
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Pre WOD Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes perform.. Workout of the Day Thursday 10 minutes as many rounds as possible 30 double unders 10 kettlebell swings (32kg/24kg)
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Workout of the Day Wednesday In 30 minutes, accumulate as many points as possible. Movements and reps are determined in any manner athlete chooses 1/2 point for every pound of heaviest 1 rep deadlift acheived 1 pt- air squat 1 pt for each calorie on rower 1 pt for 10 single unders 3 pts for...
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Workout of the Day Tuesday 5 rounds for time 5 power snatch (#115/#75) 10 box jumps (30″/24″) 
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Workout of the Day Monday 3 rounds 5:00 amrap 3 dumbbell squat cleans (#40/#25) 6 pullups (chest to bar) 9 pushups 2:00 rest
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Workout of the Day Friday 16 minutes as many rounds as possible 200 meter row 10 V-ups 5 thrusters (#115/#75)  
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Pre WOD -power clean -front squat -push/split jerk 7 X 2     Workout of the Day Thursday 12 minutes as many rounds as possible 40 meter farmers carry (48kg/32kg) 10 burpee box jumps (24″/20″)  
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