
Workout of the Day Monday 14 minutes as any rounds as possible 7 dumbbell bent over row (#50/#30) 7 dumbbell hang power clean 7 dumbbell push press
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Workout of the Day Saturday With a partner, complete for time/reps, both partners working at the same time. Switch movements as necessary 2000 meter row/amrap wall ball shots (#20/#14)(10’/9′) 2:00 rest 1000 single unders/amrap kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 2:00 rest 100 burpees/amrap dumbbell power cleans (#30/#20)   Score is time in seconds to complete each interval...
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Pre WOD Not for time, partition reps as necessary Workout of the Day Friday 18 minutes as many rounds as possible 6 weighted lunge steps (#95/#65) alternate legs (L+R=2) 9 pullups 12 burpees
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Workout of the Day Thursday 5 rounds for time 30 calorie row 20 box jumps (30″/24″) 10 knees to elbows  
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Pre WOD Partition as necessary Workout of the Day Wednesday 14 minutes as many rounds as possible 10 dumbbell squat cleans (#40/#25) 1:00 front plank hold 50 double unders
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Workout of the Day Tuesday For time 40 calorie row 40 back squats (#95/#65) 30 cal row 30 front squats 20 cal row 20 overhead squats Do 10 lateral burpees anytime bar is set down
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Pre WOD 6 rounds, not for time 1 Leg Barbell Deadlift 1 test Workout of the Day Monday 12 minutes as many rounds as possible 4 renegade rows (#30/#20) 6 dumbbell lunge and press 12 dumbbell skier swings
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Pre WOD 1 Leg Barbell Deadlift 1 test stren mov Workout of the Day Friday In teams of 3, complete 2 rounds for max reps/calories 5:00 teammate 1- deadlift teammate 2- situps teammate 3- row for calories Teammates switch movements every 15 calories 2:00 rest 5:00 All teammates complete amrap of “Cindy” 2:00 rest  
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