Workout of the Day 5 rounds for time 1:00 – Walking Lunges1:00 – Double Unders1:00 – 200m Run1:00 – Crossbody Mountain Climbers1:00 – Plank Hold or Glute Bridge Hold -1:00 Rest between rounds-Read More
Pre WOD In 15:00 build from a light to moderate load of…. 1 power snatch + 1 snatch balance + 1 overhead squat Workout of the Day For time 4 rounds5 Power Snatch (155/105)3 Burpees Over the BarImmediately Into…6 ROUNDS3 Power Snatch5 Burpees Over the BarRead More
Workout of the Day 5 rounds In 5:00, complete….200 meter run100 meter sandbag bear hug carry (#75/#55)20 sandbag squatsAMRAP sandbag over shoulder clean -1:00 rest between rounds- Post WOD Tabata hollow rock 8 rounds of :20 work/:10 rest :10 rest period is performing abmat situpsRead More
Workout of the Day “Sweet Caroline” 3 rounds for time30/25 Cal Bike25 Box Jumps (24/20)20 Burpees1:30 Push-Up Plank* *Perform 5 Hand Release Push-Ups each time you break. No Push-Ups if you complete the 1:30 unbroken. -Rest 1:00 between rounds-Read More
Pre WOD 1:00 AMRAP DB upright rows1:00 AMRAP high knees1:00 AMRAP pushups Into… 3:00 AMRAP20 deadbugs20 bird dogs1:00 rest3:00 AMRAP20 deadbugs20 bird dogs Workout of the Day 20:00 as many rounds as possible 1 DB deficit push up2 DB hang power cleans3 burpees *each round DB deficit pushup increases by 1, DB HPC increases by...Read More
Workout of the Day CrossFit Games Open 21.3 and 21.4 For time CrossFit Games Open 21.3 15 front squats (#95/#65)30 toes-to-bars15 thrustersThen, rest 1 minute before continuing with:15 front squats30 chest-to-bar pull-ups15 thrustersThen, rest 1 minute before continuing with:15 front squats30 bar muscle-ups15 thrusters 15:00 time cap CrossFit Games Open 21.4 Complete the following complex...Read More