Pre WOD Weighted Barbell Step Ups5 X 10 (5L/5R) Workout of the Day 11/12/2015 18 minutes as many rounds as possible 6 power cleans (#135/#95) 12 toes to bar 24 double undersRead More
Pre WOD 1 Arm Kettlebell Row4 X 10 (10R/10L) Workout of the Day 11/11/2015 5 rounds 2:00 250/200 meter row AMRAP push press (#95/#65) 1:00 restRead More
Pre WOD 5 rounds, not for time Deadlift5 reps Hollow Rocks20 reps Workout of the Day 11/10/2015 For time 20-15-10-5 Power snatch (#75/#55) Ring dipsRead More
Pre WOD Back Squat5 X 7 Workout of the Day 11/9/2015 8 rounds for max reps :30 kettlebell walking lunge steps (24kg/16kg) :30 goblet squats :30 KB swings :30 restRead More
Pre WOD Dumbbell Pullover5 X 7 Workout of the Day 11/6/2015 50 dumbbell snatches (#50/#30) 5 rope climbs 40 DB snatches 4 rope climbs 30 DB snatches 3 rope climbs 20 DB snatches 2 rope climbs 10 DB snatches 1 rope climbRead More
Pre WOD Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes Clean3 reps Workout of the Day 11/5/2-15 20 minutes as many rounds as possible 40 double unders 20 wall ball shots (#20/#14)(10’/9′) 10 kettlebell swings (32kg/24kg) 11/5/2-15 20 minutes as many rounds as possible 40 double unders 20 wall ball shots (#20/#14)(10’/9′) 10 kettlebell swings...Read More
Workout of the Day Lynne 5 rounds Max effort reps bench press (BW) Max effort reps pull-ups No rest between bench press and pullups Rest as necessary between rounds Score total reps Post WOD Compare to 6/1/2015Read More
Pre WOD For quality, not time Partition reps as necessary 40 ring rows 40 hand release, hip touch pushups 40 V ups Workout of the Day 11/4/2015 15 minutes as many rounds as possible 15 calorie row 15 deadlifts (#185/#135) 15 box jumps (24″/20″)Read More