Workout of the Day “Ava” 20:53 as many rounds as possible 400m Run21 Ground to Overhead (95/65) Post WOD 3 sets for quality 20 Empty Barbell Curls20 Supinated Bent Over Rows -Rest 1:30 between sets-Read More
Pre WOD Bulgarian split squat 4X12 Workout of the Day 14:00 as many rounds as possible 15 Wall Balls (20/14)10 Hang Power Clean (115/75)5/5 Front Rack Lunge* *Perform all 5 reps on the Left side then 5 reps on the Right sideRead More
Workout of the Day 20:00 as many rounds as possible 8 Pull-Ups100m Run8 Burpee to Plate100m Run8 DB Push Press (50/35)100m Run Post WOD 3 sets for quality 8/8 Half Kneeling Plate Around the World16 Plate Ground to Overhead:30 Plate Gun Hold -Rest as needed between sets-Read More
Workout of the Day 5 Rounds For Time 400m Run20 Slam Balls (30/20)20 Slam Ball Walking Lunges* *Slam Ball held in a bear hug Post WOD 100 abmat situps 100 russin twistsRead More
Pre WOD Bench press 10-10-10 *perform 10/10 sigle arm crossbody KB deadlifts after each set Workout of the Day 12:00 As Many Rounds As Possible 2-4-6-8-10-etc…Up-Down Box Jumps (30/24)*Perform 2 Wall Walks after each full SetRead More
Pre WOD Strict press 7-5-5-3-3 *10 DB or KB goblet squats after each set Workout of the Day “Run It Back” 2 rounds for time 15-12-9Thrusters (135/95)Cal Bike* -Rest 3:00 between rounds-Read More
Workout of the Day For time 30-30-20-20-10-10Russian KB Swings (53/35)Sit-Ups *After each full set, complete 30 Double Unders. *Option for Double Under set “must be” unbroken. Post WOD On a 5:00 running clock, accumulate max time in push up plank position *10 push ups every breakRead More
Workout of the Day 4 rounds2:00250/200 meter rowMax reps of DB bench press (#50/#35):30 rest 4 rounds2:0012/9 calorie bikeMax reps of DB bent over row:30 rest 4 rounds2:00200 meter runMax reps of DB hang power cleans:30 restRead More