Pre WOD 3 rounds of… 3/3 DB Windmills (Athlete Choice, Light)3/3 Tempo Single Arm DB Deficit Push-Ups (2121)* Workout of the Day 4 rounds for quality 4/4 DB Turkish Get-Ups (Athlete Choice, Mod-Heavy)1:00 Max Alt. DB Slides (Athlete Choice, Mod-Heavy) -Rest as needed between sets= Then Into…4 sets for quality15 DB Floor Press (Athlete Choice,...Read More
Pre WOD In 15:00, find your heaviest 1 rep strict press Workout of the Day Every 2:30 For 6 Rounds 15 Burpee to Target*12 Push Press (115/75) -No Additional Rest between sets-*6″ Above Standing Reach(Score is Slowest Set)Read More
Pre WOD In 20:00, find your heaviest 1 rep back squat Workout of the Day Every Minute On The Minute For 12:00 1: 15/12 Cal BikeMIN 2: 25 Sit-UpsMIN 3: Max Russian KB Swing (32kg/24kg)Read More
Workout of the Day 24:00 every minute on the minute for max reps/calories 1st min: slam balls2nd min: Assault bike3rd min: slam ball russian twists4th min: shoulder taps5th min: ring rows6th min: wall sitRead More
Pre WOD Tempo Snatch Deadlift (2121) 3 X 3 Power Snatch 2 X 5 Workout of the Day For Time 20 Power Snatch (95/65)400m Run20 Power Snatch Post WOD 3 sets for quality 12 Plank Rotations24 Crossbody Mountain Climbers12 Sit-Thrus -Rest as needed between sets-Read More
Workout of the Day 10:00 as many rounds as possible 2-4-6-8-10…etcBox Jump Overs (24/20)Alt. PistolsPull-Ups** -Rest 2:00 between sets-*Start the second AMRAP over at 2.**Strict OptionalRead More
Pre WOD Tempo strict press (31X1) 5 X 3 Workout of the Day Every minute on the minute for 10:00Even: 14 DB Push Press (50/35)Odd: 7 DB Renegade Rows*-Rest 1:00-4:00 as many rounds as possible4 Up-Downs4 DB Push Press *1 Rep of RR = 1 Push-Up + Row LRead More