Workout of the Day Every 5:00 minutes on the minute for 30:00 400 meter run 10 sand bag box step overs (#85/#55)(24″/20″) 10 burpees *post time of slowest roundRead More
Pre WOD 4 rounds not for time 5 bent over barbell rows 10 V-ups Workout of the Day 16 minutes as many rounds as possible 4 strict pullups 8 kettlebell push press (24kg/16kg) 12 KB front squatsRead More
Workout of the Day “Fight Gone Bad” 1:00 Wall Ball, 20/14 lbs (6/9 kg) 1:00 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 75/55 lbs (34/25 kg) 1:00 Box Jump, 20 in 1:00 Push Press, 75/55 lbs (34/25 kg) 1:00 Row (calories) 1:00 rest 8score total reps and calories Rotate immediately to the next station after every 1 min.Read More
Workout of the Day For time 1000/750 meter row 800 meter run 75 double unders 750/550 meter row 600 meter run 50 double unders 500/400 meter row 400 meter run 25 double unders Post WOD 3 X 15 GHD situps OR 3 X 30 Abmat situpsRead More
Pre WOD Mixed kettlebell weighted step ups 5 X 12 Workout of the Day 15 minutes as many rounds as possible 10 sandbag cleans (#85/#55) 15 wall ball shots (#20/#14) 20/15 calorie Assault bikeRead More
Workout of the Day 24 minutes as many rounds as possible with a partner P1: 100 meter sandbag pill carry P2: 6 front rack lunges 3 push press 6 burpees *pick up each time where your partner left offRead More
Workout of the Day For time 50 DB snatch (#50/#35) 50 cal row 5 rope climbs 200 meter run 40/40/4/200 run 30/30/3/200 run 20/20/2/200 run 10/10/1/200 runRead More