Pre WOD On a 15:00 running clock, build to a mod-heavy complex of….. 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean Workout of the Day 5 rounds for time 9 Power Cleans (135/95)18 Knees to Elbow27 Box Jumps (20)Read More
Pre WOD 3 sets for quality 12 Alt. KB Goblet Side Lunges 12 KB Deadbugs* 12 Bird dogs* *L+R=1 Workout of the Day 4 rounds 30 Unbroken Wall Balls (20/14)12/10 Cal Bike -Rest 1:30 b/t rounds-Read More
Pre WOD Bench press 6-6-3-3-1-1 Workout of the Day For time 12-9-6 Ring muscle ups or strict pullups DB Devils press (#50/#35) DB alternating suitcase lunges (L+R=1)Read More
Workout of the Day In teams of 3, 3 rounds for time 21 KB swings (24kg/16kg)21 push ups21 lateral jumps21 wall ball shots (#20/#14)21 hollow rocks21 jumping KB deadlifts21 down upsRead More
Pre WOD On a 20:00 running clock, build to a heavy 1 rep snatch* *power or squat Workout of the Day For time 15-20-25Power Snatch (95/65)Box Jumps (24″/20″)Read More
Workout of the Day 21:00 as many calories as possible Every 3:00, beginning @ 0:00, perform 10 DB Box Step-Overs (50/35)/(24″/20″) + 10 Toes to Bar, then max calories on bike in remaining time 1:30 Cap on DB Box Step-Overs + TTB each round Post WOD 2:00 Pigeon Stretch (R)2:00 Pigeon Stretch (L)2:00 Forward FoldRead More
Pre WOD In 15:00, build to a moderate to heavy complex of… 2 push press + 2 push jerks Workout of the Day For time 50 Double Unders27 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)15 Slam Balls (30/20)-Rest 1:00-50 Double Unders21 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)15 Slam Balls-Rest 1:00-50 Double Unders18 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)15 Slam BallsRead More