Pre WOD 5 rounds for quality Weighted Good Morning5 reps GHD Sit ups10-15 reps Workout of the Day Nasty Girls 3 rounds for time: 50 Squats 7 Muscle ups 10 Hang Power Clean (#135/#95)Read More
Workout of the Day 5/6/2015 Every minute, on the minute for 30 minutes, complete.. 1st minute- 10 burpees 2nd minute- 10 thrusters (#75/#55) 3rd minutes- (15/10 calorie row) Post WOD Post WOD Accumulate 5:00 in front plank positionRead More
Pre WOD Close Grip Bench Press6 X 6 Workout of the Day 5/5/2015 14 minutes as many rounds as possible 7 box jumps (24″/20″) 7 dumbbell snatch right arm 7 toes to bar 7 dumbbell snatch left armRead More
Pre WOD Deadlift5 X 5 Workout of the Day 5/1/2015 For time 250/200 meter row 25 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 25 weighted step ups (24″/20″) (same KB) 250/200 meter row 20 KB swings 20 weighted step ups 250/200 meter row 15 KB swings 15 weighted step ups 250/200 meter row 10 KB swings 10 weighted step...Read More
Pre WOD Not for time.. Strict Pull-Ups40 reps Workout of the Day 4/30/2015 5 rounds for time 200 meter run 5 cylces of the Bear complex Men choose #65/#95/#135 Women choose #35/#65/#95 Post WOD Compare to 3/23/14Read More
Pre WOD Bench Press6 X 3 Workout of the Day 4/28/2015 In 12 minutes, climb as far up rep scheme as possible 1 power snatch (#75/#55) 1 wall ball shot (#20/#14)(10’/9′) 2 power snatch 2 wall ball shots 3/3, 4/4, etc……………….Read More
Pre WOD 7 sets, building weight Front Squat3 reps Push Press2 reps Thruster1 rep Workout of the Day 4/27/2015 6 rounds 2:00 amrap 10 dumbbell skier swings (#30/#20) 5 dumbbell burpees 1:00 restRead More
Workout of the Day 4/25/2015 With a partner, complete for time 200 meter run 60 alternating wall ball shots (#20/#14)(10’/9′) 200 meter run 60 alternating burpees 200 meter run 60 alternating med ball situps 200 meter run 60 alternating deadlifts (3/4 BW) 200 meter run 60 alternating box jumps (24″/20″)Read More