Pre WOD Clean5-5-3-3-1-1 Workout of the Day 8/4/2015 Every 2:00 for 20 minutes complete.. 200 meter run As many reps as possible of double kettlebell clean and push press (24kg/16kg)Read More
Pre WOD 5 rounds, not for time Bench Press3 reps Strict Pull-UpsMax effort reps Workout of the Day 8/3/2015 Death by dumbbell thruster (#40/#25) Start with one dumbbell thruster in the first minute. Add one thruster every minute until you can no longer maintain pace with the clockRead More
Workout of the Day 8/1/2015 With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes One person always rowing, switch as necessary 60 cal row/60 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 50 cal row/50 box jumps (24″/20″) 40 cal row/40 burpees 30 cal row/30 wall ball shots (#20/#14) 20 cal row/200 meter runRead More
Pre WOD 1 Arm Kettlebell Row4 X 10 (10R/10L) Workout of the Day 7/31/2015 12 minute s as many rounds as possible 3 Curtis P’s (powerclean/right leg lunge/left leg lunge/push press) 6 clapping pushups 9 pullups Post WOD 4 X 50 meter banded partner sprintsRead More
Workout of the Day 7/30/2015 For time 600 meter run 20 power cleans (#155/#95) 400 meter run 15 power cleans 200 meter run 10 power cleans 100 meter run 5 power cleans Post WOD 40 V ups After every 10 flip over and hold front plank position for 1 minuteRead More
Pre WOD Back Squat5 X 3 Workout of the Day 7/29/2015 30 minutes as many rounds as possible 15 wall ball shots (#20/#14)(10/’9′) 30 cal row 60 double undersRead More
Pre WOD Not for time, partition as necessary Ring Rows40 reps GHD Sit ups40 reps Ring Dips40 reps Workout of the Day 7/28/2015 20 minutes as many rounds as possible 20 meter sled drive (#75/#50) (10 meter high push/10 meter low push) 200 meter run 20 squatsRead More
Pre WOD Press7 X 3 Workout of the Day 7/27/2015 12 minutes as many rounds as possible 3 kettlebell swings (32kg/24kg) 3 box jumps (24″/20″) 3 burpees 6 KB swings 6 BJ’s 6 burpees 9/9/9, 12/12/12, etc……… Post WOD 50 hollow rocksRead More
Workout of the Day 7/25/2015 With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes 50 meter barbell carry (#135/#85) 20 deadlifts 50 meter barbell carry 20 barbell pushups 50 meter barbell carry 20 lateral jumps over barbell 50 meter barbell carry 20 barbell pushupsRead More
Pre WOD Ball Up, lower through front lever5 X 3 Workout of the Day 7/24/2015 5 rounds 3:00 300/250 calorie row AMRAP bench press (3/4 BW) 2:00 restRead More