Pre WOD 4 sets for quality :30 scap pushups 10/10 single leg glute bridge :30 handstand hold Workout of the Day 4 rounds for time 12 hang power cleans (athlete choice) 15 handstand pushups -1:00 rest between sets-Read More
Pre WOD On a 15:00 running clock, build to heavy 5 rep front squat Workout of the Day 150 wall ball shots for time *every minute on the minute including 0:00, complete 3-5 burpeesRead More
Pre WOD 3 sets for quality :20 ring support :20 bottom of ring hold 3-5 negative ring dips Workout of the Day 5 rounds for time 15/12 calorie bike 10 ring dips 20 alternating DB hang snatchesRead More
Extended warmup Every minute on the minute for 12:00 1st min: 5 tempo sumo deadlifts (30X1), building in weight 2nd min: double under or triple under practice 3rd min: rest Workout of the Day Every minute on the minute for 16:00 1st min: 5 sumo DL’s (#275/#185) then 50 double unders 2nd min: :45 max...Read More
Workout of the Day “PAZ” On a 6:00 running clock… Complete a 1000 meter run Into… 22:00 as many rounds aas possible 23 air squats 7 burpees 14 pushups Into… On a 6:00 running clock… Complete a 1000 meter runRead More
Workout of the Day Every 3:00 minutes on the minute for 18:00 30 wall ball shots (#20/#14) 15/12 calorie bike Max double unders in remaining timeRead More
Pre WOD Power clean warmup and skill work Workout of the Day On a 12:00 running clock… 20 muscle ups or burpee pullups* Then, in remaining time… 2 rounds 7 power cleans (#135/#95) 7 lateral over bar burpees into.. 2 rounds 5 power cleans (#155/#105) 7 lateral over bar burpees into… 3 power cleans (#185/#125)...Read More