Pre WOD Death by lateral jumps Workout of the Day Saturday 16 min AMRAP, teams of 2 :45 on :15 rest 2 X wall ball shots/kettlebell swings 2 X burpees/box jumps 2 X pushups/squats 2 X mountain climbers/ice skatersRead More
Workout of the Day Thursday 2 rounds for max reps 4:00 AMRAP 400 meter run Max rep power clean (#135/#95) 1:00 rest 4:00 AMRAP 400 meter run Max rep back squat (#135/#85) Rest 1:00Read More
Workout of the Day Monday 14 minutes as many rounds as possible 20 overhead weighted walking lunge steps (#45/#25) 15 burpees 10 knees to elbowsRead More
Pre WOD 3:00 plank hold 1:00 plank hold :15 raise right arm :15 raise left arm :15 raise right leg :15 raise left leg :15 raise left arm & right leg :15 raise right arm & left leg :30 plank hold Workout of the Day Saturday 18 minutes as many reps as possible In teams...Read More
Workout of the Day Friday 2 rounds for time: 3 rounds of “Cindy” (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats) 6 cycles of the “Bear” barbell complex (power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push press) (#115/#75) The 3 rounds of “Cindy” plus the 6 barbell complex cycles repeated 3X is 1 round Rest 2:00...Read More
Pre WOD In 15 minutes, find your heaviest.. Workout of the Day Thursday 15 minutes as many rounds as possible 3 power snatch @ 80% 20 calorie row 30 abmat situps Read More