
This Saturday, 6/22, the WOD will be at 10:30 am and follow a K-tape clinic presented by Dr Scott Tesoro of Sopris Chiropractic at 9 am. This is open to everyone, come for the clinic, stay for the WOD. Kinesiology tape has become very popular in …the Crossfit world, particularly in the competitive arena. Kinesiology taping...
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On Friday June 28th, RFCF will host a ladies night at the gym. There will be a 6:45 workout for ladies only. Afterwards, stay and hang out, and see demonstrations from Jodi Barr from Mrs Barr’s Natural Foods and Marti DiBacco from Marti’s Essentials.  You can also check them both out on their Facebook pages.    Enjoy some socializing with...
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RFCF will be closed Thursday, July 4th. We will have one workout on Friday July 5th at 9 am and Saturday July 6th at 9 am. Have a great holiday weekend everyone!
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Our next Elements class will begin Tuesday July 9th. It will run on Tuesdays and Thursdays at both 8 AM and 6 PM for two weeks. Each session will last approximately and hour and a half. This series of classes will prepare you to enter any of our regularly scheduled daily workouts. Go here for more information.
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For Saturday’s WOD we will meet at Basalt High School at 9:00. Do not come to the gym. Be prepared to do some running.This workout will cover approx 3 miles in total distance with movement stations staggered along the course.
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Good luck to all the RFCF members running in the Aspen Valley Marathon events on Saturday. RFCF will be hosting an aid station at Hooks Lane and the Rio Grande trail junction (mile marker 22.9) from approx 8:30 to noon if anyone is interested in stopping by and helping out. Otherwise, we’ll all meet at...
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Our next Elements class will begin Tuesday August 6th. It will run on Tuesdays and Thursdays at both 8 AM and 6 PM for two weeks. Each session will last approximately and hour and a half. This series of classes will prepare you to enter any of our regularly scheduled daily workouts. Go here for more information.
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There will be class as usual on Saturday August 31st, however there will be no classes on Labor Day, Monday, September 2nd. Have a great hoilday weekend everyone!
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Start CrossFit with our September Elements class beginning Tuesday September 10th. This is a series of four classes designed to prepare you to join our regularly scheduled daily workouts. These classes will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays for two weeks. You may choose from either 8 AM classes or 6 PM classes. Each class will...
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This week marks three months since I began the most intense workout regimen of my entire life, CrossFit. What led to me beginning CrossFit was a realization that, if left to my own devices, I would never push myself hard enough to truly make the changes I needed to in order to get in shape....
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