Pre WOD Every 2:00 for 6 sets Push press 6-4-2-6-4-2 *second set of 6/4/2 heavier than first set of 6/4/2 Workout of the Day 8 rounds of each. :20 on / :10 off  Tabata push press (#75/#55) 1:00 rest Tabata slam balls (#30/#20) 1:00 rest Tabata hollow rocks  
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Pre WOD Every 2:30 for 6 sets Front squat 6-4-2-6-4-2 *second set of 6/4/2 heavier than first set of 6/4/2 Workout of the Day 12:00 as many rounds as possible 7 front squats (#135/#95) 7 toes to bar 7 kettlebell swings (32kg.24kg) 7 pushups
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Pre WOD Every :30 for 5 sets 4 Hang Power Cleans -Rest 1:00 & Increase Load Every :30 for 5 sets 4 Hang Power Cleans Workout of the Day Every 3:00 for 12:00 10 Hang Power Cleans (115/75) 10 Box Jumps (24/20) 200m Run
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Pre WOD Every 2:30 for 4 sets Bench press 4-4-4-4 Workout of the Day 10:00 as many rounds as possible 5-10-15 and so on… Wall Balls (20/14) 10-20-30 and so on… Double Unders
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Pre WOD Every 2:30 for 6 sets Deadlift 6-4-2-6-4-2 *second set of 6/4/2 heavier than first set of 6/4/2 Workout of the Day For time 10 DB burpees (#35/#25) 200 run 30 DB weighted situps 40 deadlifts (#185/#125) 30 DB weighted situps 200 run 10 DB burpees
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