Pre WOD Musical med balls Workout of the Day Saturday In teams of 3 complete the following, rotating teammates at each row interval as follows 5 cal row 10 cal row 15 cal row…etc, continue to 40 cal row while other 2 teammates do partner wall ball shots After 40 cal row, go back down...Read More
Workout of the Day Friday 4:00 500 meter row/AMRAP kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 1:00 rest 4:00 500 meter row/AMRAP shoot throughs 1:00 rest 4:00 500 meter row/AMRAP med ball cleans (#20/#14) 1:00 rest 4:00 500 meter row/AMRAP burpees Score is total reps completed of all four movementsRead More
Workout of the Day Thursday Tabata Dynamic step ups (L+R=2) Situps Double unders Dumbbell thrusters (#30/#20) Complete all 8 intervals of each movement before moving to next. Score is total of lowest interval of each movement Read More
Pre WOD 3 rounds, not for time :60 handstand hold :60 bottom of squat with barbell :60 ring support Accumulate :60 in each position before moving to next Workout of the Day Tuesday For time 100 deadlifts (3/4 BW) 100 toes to bar Partition in any mannerRead More
Workout of the Day Monday 20 minutes as many rounds as possible 5 strict pullups 10 hanging power cleans (#95/#55) 15 wall ball shots (#20/#14)(10’/9′)Read More