Pre WOD Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes 1st minute: 5 bent over barbell rows 2nd minute: 15 V-ups 3rd minute: rest Workout of the Day 5 rounds 2:30 200 meter run 20 DB snatches (#50/#30) As many reps as possible of burpees :30 rest *Score total burpeesRead More
Pre WOD Close grip bench press 5 X 7 Workout of the Day 20 minutes as many rounds as possible 250 meter row 15 wall ball shots (#20/#14)(10’/9′) 10 deadlifts (BW/.75 BW) Read More
Workout of the Day 2 rounds for time with a partner Partner 1 runs 400 meters while partner 2 completes ME set of pullups, then switches to amrap of pushups, then teammates switch 400 meter run while partner does ME set of wall ball shots, then switches to amrap of MB cleans, then teammates switch...Read More
Workout of the Day “DT” 5 rounds for time 12 deadlifts (#155/#105) 9 hanging power cleans 6 push jerks Post WOD 4 X 50 meter banded parner sprints Read More
Workout of the Day 30 minutes as many rounds as possible 20 calorie row 30 box jumps (24″/20″) 40 overhead weighted walking lunge steps (#45/#25) 50 abmat situps Read More
Pre WOD Bench press 5-5-3-3-1-1 Workout of the Day 10 rounds as many reps as possible :30 sumo deadlift high pull (#75/#55) :30 lateral over the bar burpees :30 squats :30 restRead More
Pre WOD Thruster 5 X 5 Workout of the Day 18 minutes as many reps as possible 200 meter run Max effort pushups 200 meter run Max effort pullups Score total pushups and pullupsRead More
Workout of the Day With a partner for time 1K row while partner holds front plank (switch every 250 meters), then, 10 rounds of.. (alternate rounds with teammate) 10 deadlifts (#135/#95) 10 barbell pushups 1K row while partner holds front plank (switch every 250 meters), then, 10 rounds of.. (alternate rounds with teammate) 5 squat...Read More