Workout of the Day In teams of 3, complete 3 rounds of… 100 wall ball shots 100 calorie bike 100 toes to bar Post WOD 4 sets, not for time 10 renegade rows 10 DB hammer curls 10 DB bicep curls 10 DB bent over rows Read More
Workout of the Day DEATH BY (7:00 CAP)…. 6 Russian KB Swings (70/53) Reps increase by 6 every minute. 6-12-18…and so on -Rest 3:00- DEATH BY (7:00 CAP)… 5 Up-Down Box Jump Over (20″) Reps increase by 5 every minute. 5-10-15…and so on -Rest 3:00- DEATH BY (7:00 CAP)… 4 Kipping Pull-Ups (C2B Optional) Reps...Read More
Workout of the Day With a partner for time 60 Cal Row 60 Pull-Ups 40 Deadlift (275/185) 200 Double Unders 60 Cal Row 200 Double Unders 40 Deadlift 60 Pull-Ups 60 Cal Row *P1 works while P2 rests. Switch every 10 or 15 cal on the rows. Workout must be complete in order. Split up...Read More
Pre WOD Strict press 5-5-5-5-5 Workout of the Day For time 15 push press (#115/#75) 25 box jumps (24’/20″) 1:00 rest 30 push press 50 box jumps Read More
Workout of the Day 5 rounds 20 slam balls (#30/#20) 20 DB suitcase lunges (#35/#20) 20/15 calorie Assault bike 2:00 rest *pick any 2 of the 5 rounds and do 30/30 for slam balls and lungesRead More
Workout of the Day Every minute on the minute for 18:00 1st min: 3 Hang Power Snatch (Building) 2nd min: 9, 12, or 15 Toes to Bar 3rd min: 9, 12, or 15 Hand Release Push-Ups *Athletes can choose which rep scheme they follow in the bodyweight movements. Power Snatch starts light then can build...Read More