Pre WOD Close grip bench press 5 X 10 Workout of the Day 15 minutes as many rounds as possible 10 DB thrusters (#50/#35) 50 double unders 10 burpeesRead More
Workout of the Day 24 minutes as many rounds as possible 6 power snatch (#95/#65) 12 pullups 18 box jumps (24″/20″) 24 calorie row 30 abmat situpsRead More
Workout of the Day Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes Even: 15/12 calorie row Odd: 1 round of “Cindy” (5 pullups/10 pushups/15 squats)(4/8/12- woman’s RX) Read More
Pre WOD Turkish get up 3-3-2-2-1-1 Workout of the Day 15 minutes as many rounds as possible 30 double unders 15 power cleans (#115/#80) 30 double unders 15 toes to barRead More