Workout of the Day For time 50 calorie Assault bike 50 DB snatches (#50/#35) 5 rope climbs 40 calorie AB 40 DB snatches 4 rope climbs 30 calorie AB 30 DB snatches 3 rope climbs 20 calorie AB 20 DB snatches 2 rope climbs 10 calorie AB 10 DB snatches 1 rope climbRead More
Pre WOD Every minute on the minute for 16 minutes 1st min: 1 strict pullup every :05 from :05-:50 (10 reps) without coming off bar 2nd min: rest 3rd min: 1 ring dip every :05 from :05-:50 (10 reps) without coming off rings 4th min: rest Workout of the Day 5 rounds 2:00 5 deadlifts...Read More
Pre WOD Bench press 5 X 5 Workout of the Day 3:00 as many rounds as possible 3 kettlebell lunges passing through legs (24kg/16kg)(L+R=1) 6 goblet squats 9 KB swings 1:00 restRead More
Please note the following schedule changes for the upcoming holiday weekend Saturday 9/1: Normal schedule Monday 9/3: Closed Tuesday 9/4: Only 1 evening class at 4:30. There will be no 5:30 or 6:30 pm classes due to scheduled double under seminarRead More
Workout of the Day 22 minutes as many rounds as possible 30/20 calorie Assault bike 15 burpees 100 meter farmer carry (32kg/24kg) Post WOD Alternating tabata -hollow body hold -superman holdRead More
Workout of the Day For time 15 clean and Jerks (#135/#95) 5 rounds of sit up “Cindy” (5 strict pull-ups/10 pushups/15 sit-ups) 12 C&J’s 4 rounds of Cindy 9 C&J’s 3 rounds of Cindy 6 C&J’s 2 rounds of Cindy 3 C&J’s 1 round of CindyRead More