Pre WOD In 20 minutes, find your heaviest 1 rep clean and jerk Workout of the Day For time 21-15-9 Front squats (#135/#95) Lateral over the bar burpeesRead More
Pre WOD 4 rounds not for time 10 ring dips (weight or assist as necessary) 10-15 GHD situps Workout of the Day Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes Even: 15/12 calorie row Odd: 5 deadlifts (athlete’s choice) 5 strict pullupsRead More
Please note the following schedule changes for the Thanksgiving holiday week Mon: normal schedule Tues: normal schedule Weds: normal schedule..except no 6:30pm class Thurs: closed Fri: closed Sat: 9am WOD Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!Read More
Workout of the Day For time in teams of 2 alternate every rep with * *50 thrusters (#95/#65) 50 double unders *40 toes to bar 50 double unders *30 overhead squats (#95/#65) 50 double unders *20 pullups 50 double unders 5 min AMRAP burpees alternating every repRead More
Pre WOD Back squat 5 X 6 Workout of the Day 5 rounds for time 20/15 calorie row 10 clapping pushups 10 DB weighted step ups (#30/#20)(24″/20″) Read More
Pre WOD Pistols 4 X 8 Workout of the Day “Nate” 20 minutes as many rounds as possible 2 muscle ups 4 handstand pushups 8 kettlebell swings (32kg/24kg)Read More
Pre WOD Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes Even: 1:00 plank hold Odd: 2 deadlifts Workout of the Day 15 minutes as many rounds as possible 10 knees to elbows 7 burpees 4 manmakers (#40/#25)Read More