Please note schedule for the Christmas week Monday-Wednesday: normal schedule Thursday: 9 AM only, 12 days of Christmas WOD Fri & Sat: closed Sunday: 9:30-10 AM mobility WOD, 10:15-noon open gymRead More
Pre WOD Bulgarian Split Squat5 X 10 (5R/5L) Workout of the Day 12/21/2015 15 minutes as many rounds as possible 15 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 12 pullups 9 burpeesRead More
Workout of the Day 12/19/2015 With a partner, complete for total rep 10:00 AMRAP wall ball shots while one teammate rows, switch places every 20/15 calories 2:00 rest 8:00 AMRAP kettlebell swings while one teammate jumps rope, switch places every 150 single unders 2:00 rest 4:00 AMRAP situps, while one teammate does burpees, switch every...Read More
Pre WOD Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes, complete.. Hanging Squat Clean1 rep Power Clean1 rep Workout of the Day 12/18/2015 15 minutes as many rounds as possible 6 dumbbell skier swings (#30/#20) 12 pullups 6 DB lunge and pressRead More
Pre WOD 5 rounds, not for time Strict Toes to Bar10 reps Romanian Deadlift5 reps Workout of the Day 12/17/2015 3 rounds for time 15 dumbbell bench press (#50/#30) 30 squats 15 DB bent over rows 30 squatsRead More
Workout of the Day 12/16/2015 20 minutes as many rounds as possible 300/250 meter row 10 lateral burpee stick jumps (20″/16″) 1 legless rope climb (start from seated position) Post WOD 50 weighted abmat situps (#45/#25)Read More
Pre WOD 5 rounds for quality Handstand Push-ups5 reps (strict if possible) Pistols10 reps (alternate legs) Workout of the Day 12/14/2015 For time 500 meter row 50 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 400 meter row 40 KB swings 300 meter row 30 KB swings 200 meter row 20 KB swings 100 meter row 10 KB swingsRead More
Pre WOD “Bring Sally Up” Workout of the Day 12/11/2015 5 rounds for time 10 deadlift (#185/#135) 10 strict pullups 10 jumping squats with med ball (#20/#14)Read More
Pre WOD 4 rounds, not for time Dumbbell Pullover10 reps GHD Sit ups10-15 reps Workout of the Day 12/10/2015 Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes 9 bent over barbell rows 6 hang power cleans 3 push press Athlete chooses heaviest weight possible while being able to maintain pace with clockRead More