Workout of the Day With a partner, complete for time 1K row while teammate holds double KB front rack position (20kg/12kg) 100 pushups while teammate does goblet squats 100 burpees while teammate does double KB swings 100 pullups while teammate does KB sumo deadlift high pulls 1K row while teammate holds double KB front rack...Read More
Pre WOD After each set of front squats, do maximum effort set of unbroken pushups Front Squat5 X 5 Workout of the Day 8/21/2015 Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes complete.. 9 dumbbell bent over rows (#50/#30) 6 DB hang power cleans 3 DB push pressRead More
Pre WOD 5 rounds not for time Deadlift3 reps Hollow Rocks1:00 Workout of the Day 8/20/2015 15 minutes as many rounds as possible 20 meter sled drive (#75/#50) 50 meter farmers carry (24kg/20kg) 100 meter sprintRead More
Pre WOD Clean and Jerk5-5-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 Workout of the Day 8/18/2015 Every minute on the minute for 14 minutes, complete… Even: 2 turkish get ups (24kg/16kg) Odd: 35 double undersRead More
Pre WOD Bench Press10-10-10-10 Workout of the Day 8/17/2015 5 rounds for time 25 calorie row 20 goblet squats (24kg/16kg) 15 kettlebell swingsRead More
Pre WOD 5 rounds not for time Weighted Good Morning5 reps Weighted Dumbbell Situps10 reps Workout of the Day 8/14/2015 16 minutes as many rounds as possible 4 shuttle sprints (5M/10M/15M/20M) 8 dumbbell weighted box step overs (#30/#20)(24’/20′) 12 burpeesRead More
Pre WOD Snatch5 heavy singles then.. Clean5 heavy singles Workout of the Day “Glenn’s 30th B’day WOD” 3 rounds for time 300 meter row 30 wall ball shots (#20/#14)(10’/9′) 30 double undersRead More
Pre WOD Push Press5 X 5 Workout of the Day 8/12/2015 Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes complete.. Even minutes: 7 rope pullups Odd minutes: 7 kettlebell swings (32kg/24kg)Read More
Pre WOD 5 rounds, not for time Weighted Good Morning5 reps Strict Toes to Bar10 reps Workout of the Day 8/12/2015 5 rounds 1:00 amrap hanging power snatch (#95/#65) 1:00 amrap box jumps (24’/20′) 1:00 amrap burpees 1:00 restRead More