Workout of the Day Saturday With a partner, complete 4 rounds for time 40 med ball situps (#20/#14), partners 4 feet apart 40 med ball shots over bar 400 meter med ball run If med ball is dropped or set down, both partners stop and immidiately do 10 burpeesRead More
Workout of the Day Thursday 6 rounds 1:00 unbroken max distance one way sled pull (#135/#90) Pull sled back to start position Then immediately, ME dumbell bench press Rest 2-3 min between rounds Score is total DB BP repsRead More
Pre WOD 5 rounds, not for time. Ring rows follow immediately after barbell rows, no rest between movements Workout of the Day Monday 14 minutes as many rounds as possible 5 deadlifts (#225/#135) 10 ring pushups 200 meter runRead More
Workout of the Day Saturday In two teams of 10, complete the following work load for time 40 X 25 meter tire flips 40 X 100 meter farmers carry (50/30) 40 X 25 meter sled drive (#135/#90) 12,000 meter row Any teammates not working on any of the above tasks, will do AMRepsAP of: Burpees...Read More