Pre WOD 4 rounds not for time Workout of the Day Thursday 16 minutes as many rounds as possible 1 X 30 meter sled drive (#135/#90) 10 sumo deadlift high pull (#75/#45) 10 burpeesRead More
Pre WOD 5 rounds not for time Workout of the Day Wednesday 12 minutes as many rounds as possible 7 dumbbell squat cleans (#40/#25) 70 double undersRead More
Pre WOD EMOM for 10 minutes complete: Snatch from high hang Snatch from above knee Snatch from floor Use 50% of 1 rep max Workout of the Day Helen 3 rounds for time: 400 meter run 21 KB Swings (24kg/16kg) 12 Pull-upsRead More
Pre WOD Partition as necessary Workout of the Day Thursday 3 rounds 3:00 as many reps as possible of: 7 med ball cleans (#20/#14) 7 box jumps (30″/24″) 1:00 restRead More
Workout of the Day Tuesday Tabata row- meters (lowest of 8 intervals) 2:00 rest 4:00 AMRAP clean and jerk (#135/#85) 2:00 rest 800 meter run for time For scoring, convert tabata score and total number of clean and jerks to seconds and subtract from 800 meter run time. Ex….800 meter run-4:00, tabata row score- 90,...Read More