Pre WOD Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes, complete Workout of the Day Tuesday 14 minutes as many rounds as possible 3 push jerks (#135/#85) 6 box jumps (30″/24″) 9 knees to elbowsRead More
Pre WOD 4 rounds, not for time Workout of the Day Monday For time: 50 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 50 weighted steupups with KB (24″/20″) 50 KB swingsRead More
Pre WOD Tabata situps Workout of the Day Saturday With a partner, complete the following for as many reps/cal as posible 6:00- Teammate 1- row for cal / teammate 2- push press (#75/#45) Teammates switch movements at 3:00 1:00 rest 6:00- Teammate 1- double unders / teammate 2- front squat (#115/#75) Teammates switch movements at...Read More
Pre WOD 4 rounds, not for time Workout of the Day Chelsea Every minute on the minute for 30 minutes complete: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats If you lose pace with the clock, continue 5/10/15 for as many rounds as possible for the remainder of the 30 minutes. Read More
Workout of the Day New Year’s Eve 2013 seconds as many rounds as possible (33:33) 20 cal row 13 wall ball shots (#20/#14) 20 box jumps (24″/20″) 13 hand release pushups 20 burpees 13 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg)Read More
Workout of the Day Saturday In teams of 4, each teammate completes a full tabata interval of the following movements Row for calories Abmat situps Dumbbell ground to overhead (#30/#20) Jumping barbell squats (#45/#30) Score is total of each teammate’s low interval score for each movementRead More