Pre WOD Hang power clean 8-6-6-4-4 Workout of the Day 3 sets 4:00 as many rounds as possible 5 hang power cleans (#135/#95) 7 toes to bar 9 down ups -1:00 rest between sets-Read More
Pre WOD Every 1:30 for 5 sets 6 push jerks Workout of the Day 4 rounds for max reps 1:00 push jerks (#95/#65) 1:00 ring rows or bent over BB row 1:00 wall sit or bottom of squat hold 1:00 restRead More
Pre WOD Every 2:00 for 5 sets 10 deadlifts Workout of the Day For time 100 Double Unders 80 Sit-Ups 60 Box Step-ups (24/20) 40 Deadlifts (185/135) 20 BurpeesRead More
Pre WOD Every 2:00 for 6 sets 2 Pausing Clean Deadlift* + 2 High Hang Power Cleans + 1 Hang Power clean Workout of the 12:00 as many rounds as possible 10 SA DB Power Cleans (R) (50/35) 10 SA DB Power Cleans (L) 20 Slam Balls (20/10) 200m RunRead More
Pre WOD Every 2:00 on the minute for 10:00 10 back squats Workout of the Day Every minute on the minute for 14:00 Even: Max meter row Odd: 5 back squats (#115/#105) Read More
Pre WOD 5 rounds 10 butterfly situps 15 glute bridges 30 double unders Workout of the Day 2 rounds 12:00 as many rounds as possible 12 DB weighted step ups (24″/20″) 30 double unders 12 DB renegade rows 30 double unders 12 DB weighted situps 30 double unders -2:00 rest between rounds-Read More
Pre WOD In 12:00 find your heaviest 2 rep front squat Workout of the Day 4 rounds 3:00 as many rounds as possible 6 front squats (#115/#75) 6 wall ball shots (#20/#14) 6 toes to bar -:30 rest between rounds-Read More