Workout of the Day Every 7:00 for 3 rounds 800m Run15 Hand Release Push-Ups15 Deadlifts (185/135)Max Sit-Ups in Time Remaining… -Rest 2:00 b/t Sets-Read more
Pre WOD Shoulder to overhead 3-3-3-3 Workout of the Day For time 30 Box Jumps (24/20)40 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)30 Box Jumps *Every 1:30 starting at 0:00, perform 3 Front SquatsRead more
Workout of the Day 3 Rounds For Max Reps 1:00 – DB Suitcase Box Step-Ups (35/20)1:00 – down ups1:00 – Air Squats1:00 – DB Hang Muscle Cleans1:00 – Cal Bike -Rest 1:00 between rounds- Post WOD 3 sets for recovery 1:00 Downward Dog1:00 Plank Hold1:00 Cobra Stretch -Rest 1:00 between sets-Read more
Pre WOD Tabata pushups Workout of the Day 12 rounds with a partner for time 3 burpees6 KB swings (32kg/24kg)9 box jumps (24″/20″)12 abmat situps15/12 calorie bike *1 person working, 1 person resting, alternate every roundRead more