Workout of the Day Thursday In 20 minutes, climb as high in rounds as possible of.. 1 power snatch (#115/#75) 1 muscle up 2 p.snatch 2 MU’s 3 PS/3 MU’s, 4 PS/4MU’s etc………….
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Pre WOD In 15 minutes, find the heaviest load you can complete 3 cycles of the “Bear Complex”     Workout of the Day Wednesday 5 rounds for time 300 meter row 20 kettlebell swings 10 toes to bar
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Pre WOD 4 rounds, not for time :30 hollow body rock :30 handstand hold :30 superman hold Workout of the Day Tuesday 18 minutes as many rounds as possible 30 meter sled drive (#180/#135) 10 burpees 10 dumbbell bench press (#50/#30)  
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Workout of the Day Monday 4 rounds 3:00 as many rounds as possible 5 deadlifts (#225/#135) 20 lateral bar jumps (over and back = 1) 1:00 rest  
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Workout of the Day Saturday In team of 4, generate as much horsepower as possible in 25 minutes of -sled drives -tire flips -farmers carry -box jumps Each team will try to generate as much power as possible during this workout The equation for power is.. load X distance / time -Each teammate determines their own loads for farmers carries and sled drives -Use body weight in kilos for box jumps -Tires weigh 115 kilos -Track how far in meters all objects and BW for box jumps are moved in meters over the course of WOD The unit of measure for power is Watts To calculate watts, use the same equaton using newton meters for load (kilos x 9.8066) X total distance in meters divided by 1500 (total seconds in 25 minutes) 750 watts = 1 Horsepower    
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