Pre WOD Squat clean 5-5-3-3-1-1 Workout of the Day Assault bikr for time 50 calorie Assault bike for time OR 500 meter row for time
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Workout of the Day “Mike Goerne” For time 40 calorie row 37 DB bench press (#50/#35) 37 deadlifts (#185/#125) 100 double unders 37 thrusters (#75/#55) 37 box jumps (24″/20″) 100 double unders 37 burpees 37 DB weighted step ups (#35/#25)(24″/20″) 40 calorie row
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Workout of the Day With a partner for as many reps as possible 10:00 AMRAP 10 DB snatch (#50/#35) 10 box jumps (24″/20″) 3:00 rest 7:00 AMRAP 10 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 10 toes to bar 3:00 rest 4:00 AMRAP 10 wall ball shots (#20/#14) 20 double unders
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Workout of the Day 5 rounds 15 front squats (#135.#95) 15 calorie Assault bike 15 pullups 1:00 rest *post time of slowest round
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Pre WOD Every 2 minutes on the minute for 10 minutes 7 deadlifts 5 hang power cleans 3 split jerks Workout of the Day 2 rounds for time 30/21 calorie Assault bike 30 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 30 /21 calorie row 30 abmat situps
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