Pre WOD In 15:00, find your heaviest 2 rep strict press Workout of the Day 15:00 as many rounds as possible 5 renegade rows 15 DB push press (#50/#35) 200 run* *each round add 100 meters to runRead More
Pre WOD On a 20:00 running clock, find your heaviest 2 rep back squat Workout of the Day 3 rounds for time 15 down ups over bar 15 back squats (#115/#75)Read More
Pre WOD 3 sets for quality 4/4 DB or KB Turkish Get-Ups2-6 Strict Tempo Pull-Ups (2121) Workout of the Day Every 3:00 on the minute for 15:00 15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups20 Russian KB SwingsMax Reps Goblet Squats (70/53) -Rest 1:00 between sets-Read More
Pre WOD On a 20:00 running clock, find your heaviest 3 rep clean and jerk Workout of the Day For time 21-18-15 Assault bike calories Hang power clean (#155/#105)Read More