Pre WOD 5 rounds, not for time Workout of the Day Tuesday 10:00 as many rounds as possible 5 pullups (chest to bar) 10 push press (#75/#45) 15 box jumps (24″/20″)Read More
Workout of the Day Saturday In teams of 5, complete as many reps as possible in 20 minutes of: Kettlebell clean and press (24kg/16kg) Row for calories Box jumps (24″/20″) Kettlebelll figure 8 walking lunge (24kg/16kg) Ring rows Switch stations each time teammate doing box jumps completes 20 repsRead More
Workout of the Day Friday 20 minutes, as many reps as possible of: 30 meter sled drive (#135/#90) 2 thrusters (#75/#45) 2 burpees 30 meter sled drive (#135/#90) 4 thrusters/4 burpees 30 meter sled drive (#135/#90) 6 thrusters/6 burpees………..etc Read More
Pre WOD Each minute on the minute for 10:00, hold the following positions Even minutes- bottom of squat Odd minutes- handstand Workout of the Day Wednesday Rotating tabata of the following.. Dynamic pushups Overhead plate lunge Russian twist Plate burpees All movements done with #45 bumper plate for guys, #25 for girls Complete 8 times...Read More
Pre WOD Each minute on the minute for 10 minutes, complete Powerclean Right leg stationary lunge Left leg stationary lunge Push press Workout of the Day Monday 14 minutes as many rounds as possible 4 lateral box over jumps (24″/20″)(L+R=1) 8 weighted overhead stepups (#45/#25) 18 squatsRead More
Pre WOD “Roxanne” burpee warmup Workout of the Day Saturday With a partner, complete 2 rounds for max reps of: Reverse walking lunge Push ups Kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) Squats Med ball twists (#14/#10) Switch movements each time one teammate runs 200 metersRead More