Pre WOD Pre WOD 1 Arm Kettlebell Row1 Workout of the Day For time 3 rounds 21/15 calorie row 15 wall ball shots (#20/#14)(10’/9′) 9 kettlebell swings (32kg/24kg) 2:00 rest 3 rounds 21 10 meter shuttle sprints 15 box jumps (24″/20″) 9 man makers (#30/#20) Post WOD Post WODRead More
Pre WOD Weighted Overhead Step Ups6 X 3 (3R/3L) Workout of the Day 5/29/2015 Every 3:00 for 24:00 complete.. 200 meter run AMRAP power snatch (#75/#55)Read More
Pre WOD Back Squat5-5-5-3-3-3 Workout of the Day 5/28/2015 9 minutes as many rounds as possible 3 power cleans (#135/#85) 3 ring dips 6 PC’s 6 RD’s 9/9, 12/12, etc…….Read More
Workout of the Day 5/27/2015 For time 1000 meter row 40 wall ball shots (#20/#14)(10’/9′) 20 burpees 750 meter row 30 wall ball shots 15 burpees 500 meter row 20 wall ball shots 10 burpees 250 meter row 10 wall ball shots 5 burpes Post WOD 4 rounds ME time static hold on GHD face...Read More