Pre WOD Banded Partner Sprints5 X 40 meters Workout of the Day 6/9/2015 18 minutes as many rounds as possible 3 muscle ups 6 deadlifts (#245/#165) 9 burpeesRead More
Pre WOD Back Squat5 X 5 Workout of the Day 6/8/2015 16 minutes as many rounds as possible 8 strict pullups 8 strict dumbbell press (#40/#20) 8 weighted box carry overs (2x #40/#20)Read More
Pre WOD Not for time, partition as necessary Ring Rows50 reps Ring Dips50 reps OR Muscle-up20 reps Workout of the Day 6/5/2015 14 minutes as many rounds as possible 3 deadlifts (#275/#165) 20 squats 100 meter sprintRead More
Workout of the Day Fight Gone Bad “Fight Gone Bad” 3 rounds for max reps/calories 1:00 Wall Ball (20/14lb) 1:00 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 1:00 Box Jump (20″) 1:00 Push Press (75/55lb) 1:00 Row (Calories) Rest 1 minute between rounds The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of “rotate,” the athlete/s...Read More
Workout of the Day 6/3/2015 For time 30 kettlebell swings (32kg/24kg) 30 hand release pushups 800 meter run 30 KB swings 30 HR pushups 800 meter run 30 KB swings 30 HR pushupsRead More
Pre WOD Push Press6 X 3 Workout of the Day 6/2/2015 3 rounds for time 10 hang power cleans (#135/#85) 20 burpees 30 abmat situps 40 double undersRead More
Workout of the Day Lynne 5 rounds Max effort reps bench press (BW) Max effort reps pull-ups No rest between bench press and pullups Rest as necessary between rounds Score total reps Post WOD Death by 10 meters and burpees Compare to 1/28/14Read More