Workout of the Day Wednesday Start with 1 rep of each movement and move as far up the ladder as possible in 14 minutes of.. Power clean (#135/#85) Box jump (24″/20″) Burpees 1-1-1/2-2-2/3-3-3 etc……… Read More
Workout of the Day Monday 5 rounds for max reps/calories 1:00 row for cal :30 rest 1:00 wall ball shots (#20/#14) (10’/9′) :30 rest 1:00 sumo deadlift high pull (#75/#45) :30 restRead More
Pre WOD Death by 10 meters and burpees Workout of the Day Friday Not for time, partition reps and movements as necessary 30 deadlift (1.5 X BW) 30 bench press (BW) 30 power cleans (.75 X BW) Read More
Workout of the Day Thursday 40 minutes as many rounds as possible 40 meter sled drive (#180/#135) 400 meter run 40 calorie row 40 double undersRead More
Pre WOD 6 sets of 3 position power snatch -Floor -Above knees -Hips Workout of the Day Wednesday For time 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Man makers (#40/#25) Toes to barRead More
Pre WOD 5 rounds, not for time Workout of the Day Tuesday 15 minutes as many rounds as possible 300 meter row 20 lateral burpees over bar 10 push press (#95/#65)Read More
Pre WOD 6 rounds, not for time Workout of the Day Monday 12 minutes as many rounds as possible 7 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 7 KB figure 8 walking lunge steps (L+R=1) 7 KB goblet squats Read More
Workout of the Day Saturday In teams of 3, complete for max reps as fast as possible, one teammate always rowing, rotate at each calorie interval Row 10 cal / alternating wall ball shots Row 20 cal / alternating pullups Row 30 cal / alternating WB shots Row 40 cal / alternating pullups Row 50...Read More