Workout of the Day For Time 10 Ring Muscle-Ups or strict pullups20 Push Press (135/95)30 Up-Downs40 Sit-Ups15 Ring Muscle-Ups or strict pullups30 Push Press45 Up-Downs60 Sit-UpsRead more
Workout of the Day 2 sets for quality 500/400m Row12/12 DB/KB SA Supported Tempo Bent Over Row (31X0)3/3 DB/KB WindmillsImmediately Into…2 sets for quality500/400m Row25 Russian DB/KB Swings1:00 Bar Hang Post WOD In teams of 2 for time…..2000m Row**Partners alternate every 250m until completion of 2000m.Read more
Pre WOD On a 15:00 running clock, build to a heavy 3 rep thruster Workout of the Day 10:00 As Many Reps As Possible 10-8-6-4-2*Thruster (95/65)Burpee Box Jump (24/20) *If round of 2/2 is completed, start back at 10/10.Read more
Pre WOD Rope climb skill work… J hook technique Workoout of the Day For time100/80 Cal Bike* *Every 2:00 including at 0:00, perform 2 Rope Climbs. Option to perform 5-7 Strict Pull-Ups instead of Rope ClimbRead more
Pre WOD 3 sets for quality12 Alt. DB Gorilla Row (Athlete Choice)12 DB Floor Press Workout of the Day 5 rounds for time12 DB Deadlifts (50/35)9 DB Hang Power Cleans12 Hand Release Push-Up *After “Odd” Rounds (1, 3, & 5), perform a 400m Run.Read more