Workout of the Day Tuesday “Schmalls” For time: 800 meter run, then.. 2 rounds of 50 burpees 40 pullups 30 one leg squats 20 kettlebell swings 10 handstand pushups then… 800 meter run   CF Cardio WOD   Partner burpee/med ball run 5 RFT, 14/20 Partner 1 does burpees while partner 2 runs 400m with a medball. When partner 2 returns, they switch. At random intervals, whistle will sound, at which point runner 1 must drop and do 5 pushups before continuing. Post WOD: 40 reverse ab curls
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Pre WOD 5 rounds, alternate movements Workout of the Day Monday 5 rounds for time 20 wall ball shots (#20/#14) 200 meter run with med ball
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Pre WOD Tabata situps Workout of the Day Saturday Complete in teams of 2 for time: 50 thrusters (#45/#35) each, alternate as necessary then, load bar to 115/75, without letting it touch ground then, transport bar to 800 m turn around and do 25 pushups each then, transport bar to 1 mi turn around and do 25 mountain climbers L+R=1 then, transport bar back to 800 m turn around and do 25 lateral jumps (L+R=2) then, transport bar back to gym and do 25 pullups each If the bar is set down, each teammate must do 5 burpees. Hands stay on bar for pushups and mountain climbers
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Pre WOD 5 rounds for quality Workout of the Day Helen 3 rounds for time: 400 meter run 21 KB Swings (24kg/16kg) 12 Pull-ups
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Pre WOD Take 15 minutes to find your heaviest 1 rep press, then.. EMOM for 8 minutes complete 1 press @ 70% 2 push press 3 push jerks   Workout of the Day Thursday 3 rounds for cal/reps 1:00 row for calories 1:00 box jumps (24/20) 1:00 10 meter shuttle sprints 1:00 rest CF Cardio WOD 2 X 200 meter, :45 rest 15 X 100 meter sprint / 100 meter walk  
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