Pre WOD Squat clean and jerk 3 x1 Workout of the Day “Salt-N-Pepa” For time100 Burpees to Target**Target is 6 inches above standing reach. Every 1:00, beginning at 0:00, perform 3 Jerks (165/115). Option to go heavier at (185/135).Read more
Workout of the Day EMOM For 20:00 MIN 1 – 16 KB Goblet Alt. Box Step-Ups (53/35) (24″/20″)MIN 2 – 15 Toes to BarMIN 3&4 – Max Cal BikeMIN 5 – Rest (Score is Total Cals)Read more
Pre WOD 3 sets 1 snatch pull + 1 power snatch Workout of the Day For Time 3-6-9-12-9-6-3Hang Power Snatch (115/75)30-40-50-60-50-40-30Double Under* *Option for ‘Unbroken’ Double UndersRead more
Pre WOD Back squat 3-3-3-3 Workout of the Day 4:00 AMRAP6 DB Deadlifts (50/35)|(35/20)8 Slam Balls (30/20)|(20/10)8 Alt. Lunges-Rest 2:00-6:00 AMRAP6 DB ‘No Push-Up’ Renegade Rows*8 Slam Balls10 Burpees-Rest 2:00-8:00 AMRAP6 DB Up-Downs8 Slam Balls12/10 Cal Row *1 Rep = Row L / Row RRead more