Pre WOD Perform 20 hollow rocks after each set of deadlift Workout of the Day Jackie For time: 1000 meter row 50 Thrusters (#45/#30) 20 Pull-upsRead More
Pre WOD Take 15 minutes to work up to heaviest squat snatch, then… Every minute on the minute for 8 min complete the following @ 80% of heaviest load achievedRead More
Pre WOD In the first minute complete 1 STRICT pullup 2nd min complete 2 strict pullups 3rd min complete 3 strict pullups ect……. Until you can no longer keep pace with clockRead More
Pre WOD Double tabata, alternating movements V ups Front plank position Workout of the Day Fight Gone Bad “Fight Gone Bad” 3 rounds for max reps/calories 1:00 Wall Ball (20/14lb) 1:00 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 1:00 Box Jump (20″) 1:00 Push Press (75/55lb) 1:00 Row (Calories) Rest 1 minute between rounds The clock does not...Read More
Pre WOD In the first minute complete Power clean/thruster (#95/#65)..1 rep 2nd minute complete Power clean/thruster..2 reps 3rd min complete Power clean/thruster..3 reps etc…until you can no longer keep pace with clockRead More