Pre WOD Weighted ring dips 5 X 5 Workout of the Day 20 minutes as many rounds as possible 15 wall ball shots (#20/#14) 12/9 calorie row 9 toes to bar 6 burpee box jumps (24″/20″) 3 muscle upsRead More
Workout of the Day 3 rounds for time 30/21 calorie Assault bike 3 rounds of “Cindy” (5 pullups/10 pushups/15 squats) OR 3 rounds of “Mary” (5 handstand pushups/10 pistols/15 pullups) 10 power snatches (#115/#85) Read More
Pre WOD 3 rounds not for time :30 double kettlebell bottom of squat hold 10 bent over KB rows 50 band pull aparts 2:00 rest between sets Workout of the Day 15 minutes as many rounds as possible 6 ring dips 9 deadlifts (#205/#135) 12 V-upsRead More
Pre WOD Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes Even: 5 strict press Odd: 5-7 weighted pullups Workout of the Day 5 rounds as many reps as possible :30 row for calories :15 rest :30 kettlebell swings (32kg/24kg) :15 rest :30 double unders 1:00 restRead More
Workout of the Day For time 25-20-15-10-5 Box jump overs (24″/20″) Toes to bar Then, immediately into…. 5-10-15-20-25 Hang power snatch (#75/#55) Wall ball shots (#20/#14) Read More
Pre WOD 3 rounds, not for time 10 hollow rocks 10 medball mountain climbers 10 MB russian twists 10 MB situps *rest 1:00 between rounds Workout of the Day “Christine” 3 rounds for time 500 meter row 12 deadlifts (BW) 21 box jumps (24″/20″)Read More
Workout of the Day Every 5 minutes on the minute for 25 minutes 5 DB hang clean and jerks R arm (#50/#35) 5 DB hang clean and jerks L arm 10 alternating DB snatches 20/14 calorie Assault bike *record time of slowest round Read More