Workout of the Day Monday Tesoro’s B’day WOD For time 30 pullups 400 meter run 21 power cleans (#115/#75) 800 meter run 20 power cleans 400 meter run 30 pullupsRead More
Workout of the Day Saturday In 25 minutes, teams of 4 complete the following … -row for max calories -sled pull for max meters (#135/#90) -amrap burpees One teammate is at each of the above stations while one teammate completes a 400 meter run. Switch stations after each 400 meter run intervalRead More
Pre WOD Not for time, partition as necessary Workout of the Day 14 minutes as many rounds as possible 7 power snatch (#95/#65) 7 toes to bar 7 burpeesRead More
Workout of the Day Monday 6:00: 400 meter run with med ball (#20/#14) amrap thrusters (#75/#45) 2:00 rest 6:00: 400 M run w/MB amrap kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 2:00 rest 6:00: 400 M run w/MB row for max caloriesRead More
Workout of the Day Saturday With a partner complete for time 400 meter run 1-10 alternating reps of burpees 800 meter run 1-10 alternating reps of push press (#95/#65) 400 meter run 1-10 alternating reps of kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) Read More
Pre WOD 5 rounds, not for time 40 meter sled drive (#205/#160) Workout of the Day Friday 2 rounds for time 800 meter run 30 jumping barbell squats (#45/#35)Read More