
September 2017
Workout of the Day In 20 minutes complete as many rounds as possible with partner Partner 1: 200 meter sandbag run (#55/#35) Partner 2: 10 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) / 10 goblet squats *pick up where partner left off  
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Workout of the Day For time 5:00 50 wall ball shot (#20/#14) buy in, then AMRAP.. 12 deadlifts (#185/#135) 12 lateral over the bar burpees 5:00 rest 5:00 35 wall ball shot buy in, then AMRAP.. 9 deadlifts (#225/#155) 9 lateral over the bar burpees 5:00 rest 5:00 20 wall ball buy in, then AMRAP...
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Pre WOD 3 rounds for quality 10 dumbbell pullovers 5-10 strict handstand pushups Workout of the Day 7 rounds 2:00 200 meter run AMRAP power snatch (#95/#65) 1:00 rest
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Pre WOD Banded kettlebell strict press 5 X 7 Workout of the Day For time 20/15 cal row 30 DB power cleans (#50/#35) 20/15 cal row 25 DB push jerks 20/15 cal row 20 DB front squats 20/15 cal row 15 DB clusters
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Pre WOD 4 rounds for quality 10 landmine twists 10 barbell rollouts Workout of the Day 20 minutes as many rounds as possible 20 squats 40 meter sled push (#70/#45) 20 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 400 meter run
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Pre WOD Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes 5 strict pullups 10 pushups Workout of the Day For time 911 meter row 110 sandbag weighted step ups (#40) (24″/20″) 2001 meter row *there were 110 fights of stairs in the World Trade Center *approximate average weight of a fire fighters gear is #40
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Workout of the Day In teams of 3, complete as many reps as possible with each teammate rotating from position 1 to position 2 to position 3 each successive interval P1: 1:00 pushups P2: 2:00 box jumps (24’/20″) P3: 3:00 squats 2:00 rest P1: 1:00 toes to bar P2: 2:00 KB swings (24kg/16kg) P3: 3:00 burpees...
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Workout of the Day For time 30 strict pullups, then.. 400 meter overhead barbell carry (#95/#65) *each time you set bar down complete 10 front squats with bar Then… 30 strict pullups Post WOD Death by 10 meters
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Pre WOD Every 1:30 for 12:00 1 clean and jerk Workout of the Day 15 minutes as many rounds as possible 25 abmat situps 50 double unders 25 hand release pushups 50 double unders 25 russian twists with medball (#20/#14) 50 double unders 25 med ball cleans 50 double unders
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Pre WOD 4 rounds for quality 10 strict ring dips (2 second pause at bottom) 10 strict toes to bar Workout of the Day 6 rounds :40 AMRAP sandbag clean and toss (#40/#25) (8′) :20 rest :40 AMRAP sandbag step ups (24″/20″) :20 rest :40 AMRAP sandbag shoveling :20 rest
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