Pre WOD Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes Even: 40 double unders or DU practice Odd: 15 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) Workout of the Day 3 rounds for time 400 meter run 30 abmat situps 20 pullups 10 power cleans (#155/#115)Read More
Pre WOD 5 rounds not for time 3 strict press 2 push press 1 push/split jerk Workout of the Day 10 rounds :40 row for max calories :20 rest :40 amrap burpees :20 restRead More
Pre WOD Weighted front rack step ups 5 X 10 Workout of the Day 15 minutes as many rounds as possible 10 deadlifts (BW) 15 hand release pushups 30 russian twists with med ball (#20/#14)(L+R=1)Read More