Pre WOD Snatch grip deadlift 5 X 5 Workout of the Day 18 minutes as many rounds as possible 5 hang split snatch (#95/#65) 10 knees to elbows 40 double undersRead More
Workout of the Day “Squat a Ton and Run” 4 rounds for time of: Squat 1 Ton 400 m Run One ton = 2240 lbs 225 lbs. = 10 reps 205 lbs. = 11 reps 185 lbs. = 12 reps 155 lbs. = 15 reps 135 lbs. = 17 reps 115 lbs. = 20 reps...Read More
Pre WOD Bulgarian Split squat 5 X 10 (5R/5L) Workout of the Day For time: 50 clean and jerks (#135/#95 Every minute on the minute complete 5 pull ups Begin workout with 5 pull ups on 0:00Read More
Pre WOD In 15 minutes, complete as many.. -hand release pushups -ring rows -russian twists (#45/#25) possible Workout of the Day 18 minutes as many rounds as possible 300/250 meter row 15 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 10 burpees Read More