Pre WOD In 15 minutes, find your heaviest… Workout of the Day Tuesday 4 rounds 3:00 as many reps as possible of kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg) 1:00 rest Every :30 stop and do 3 clapping pushups Score is total KB swingsRead More
Pre WOD Tabata -flutter kicks -med ball mountain climbers Workout of the Day Saturday With a partner, one teammate works at one station as fast as possible, while other teammate completes as mant reps as possible, then teammates switch. Rest exactly 2:00 between intervals. -400 meter run/situps -prowler suicide (5/10/15/20 meters)/kettlebell swings -100 double unders/wall...Read More
Pre WOD 4 rounds not for time Workout of the Day Friday 5 rounds for time 10 overhead walking lunge steps (#45/#25) 20 russian twists (#45/#25) 10 burpeesRead More