Pre WOD Alternating double tabata -Med ball moutaun climbers -MB russian twists -Front plank feet on MB, toe taps -MB situps Workout of the Day 4 rounds 2:00 max cal Assault bike 2:00 AMRAP DB weighted step ups (#50/#35)(24″/20″) 1:00 restRead more
Workout of the Day For time 21 power cleans (#155/#105) 21 lateral burpees over bar 100 double unders 15 power cleans 15 lateral burpees over bar 100 double unders 9 power cleans 9 lateral burpees over bar 100 double undersRead more
Pre WOD Alternating tabata -BB curls -BB tricep extension Workout of the Day 20 minutes as many rounds as possible 25 kettlebell swings (32kg/24kg)(russian) 25 abmat situps 25/20 calorie row 25 abmat situpsRead more