Pre WOD Accumulate 2:00 in each of the following positions -weighted back extension static hold -L-sit -chin over bar hold Workout of the Day 10 minutes as many rounds as possible 30 double unders 15 power snatches (#75/#55)Read more
Pre WOD Kettlebell Z press 5 X 7 Workout of the Day 4 rounds 1:00 AMRAP double KB front rack lunge 1:00 AMRAP burpees 1:00 max 10 meter farmers carry (32kg/24kg) 1:00 rest Read more
Workout of the Day 20 minutes as many rounds as possible 30 DB hang clean and jerks (#50/#35) 25/28 calories on Assault bike 20 lateral over the bar burpees 15 deadlifts (#245/#165) Read more