Pre WOD Pause bench press (:02 pause with bar on chest) 5 X 8 Workout of the Day 6 rounds :30 AMRAP double kettlebell squat cleans (24kg/16kg) :30 AMRAP double KB bent over row :30 AMRAP ring dips 1:00 restRead more
Pre WOD Alternating double tabata -barbell tricep extension -barbell curl *bar may not be set down Workout of the Day Every 4:00 for 24:00 100 meter farmers carry (32kg/24kg) 50 double unders AMRAP pullupsRead more
Pre WOD 4 rounds, not for time 7 weighted good mornings :30 hollow rock Workout of the Day 5 rounds 1:00 AMRAP wall ball shots (#20/#14)(RX+ #30/#20) 1:00 AMRAP hang power snatch (#75/#55)(RX+ #95/#75) 1:00 bike for max calories 1:00 restRead more